Saturday, August 31, 2013

Contacting Me By E-mail...

I have created an email account that will be used ONLY by our class community.  The e-mail address is  I will check this email periodically.  Urgent matters should be communicated in person.  Thanks.

First Day of School

Hey Bees... I am very excited to see everyone on the first day of school, Monday September 9th.  Please try to arrive by 8:30 am.  First day name tags and stickers will be given out when I meet you. I hope you have received the kindergarten supply list.  Please don't feel as though you need to purchase or deliver all of the items on the list by the first day of school.  Most of the supplies become communal and will be shared by all.  You should have folders and notebooks labeled with your name.  All other items do not need to be labeled.  REMINDER... THE FIRST DAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH, IS A HALF DAY OF SCHOOL FOR KINDERGARTEN.

Welcome to the Busy Bees blog!

Hey all- Welcome to our blog. We'll use this to communicate throughout the year. We'll be able to view photos and post announcements. I hope you and your family enjoy the blog. Soon, I will invite a few parents to post items of interest, as well. Ciao- Mrs. Bowen :)