Saturday, June 28, 2014

~ ♥ ~ Thank you from the bottom of our hearts ~ ♥ ~

"2 Teach is 2 Touch Lives 4 Ever!"Author Unknown

Dear Parents,

Time flies when your having fun!  It was a great pleasure to have your child in our classroom this year. 

Well, it's time to say good-bye.
The school year's at an end.
We hope they had lots of fun
and made lots of new friends.

We watched them learn and grow
And change from day to day
We hope all the things we've done
Have helped along the way.

It's with happy memories
We send them out the door
With blessings for good things
That next year holds in store.

Again, thank you for your generous gifts, have a'Marvelous' summer and see you iSeptember!


Mrs. Bowen & Mrs. G.

Please enjoy the video on YouTube : and the class blog:

Thursday, June 26, 2014

First day & Last day of School Pictures!

Our FIRST day of School & LAST day PICTURES!
(double click on picture to enlarge)

The VERY VERY VERY last day of School!

Still working hard...

 Movie Time!

 Lunch together...

 Getting packed up!
Ready to start our SUMMER vacation!

Waiting for our parents to pick us up!

Well, that's all she wrote...
It has been a pleasure for me to do this blog
Have A Marvelous Summer!
Mrs. G.