Friday, November 8, 2013

CAPS FOR SALE ~ A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business

Directed by Mr. Gioia

Starring Class K-109

Once there was a peddler who sold caps.
He carried them on top of his head.
 He walked for a long time until he came to a great big tree.
That's a nice place to rest, he thought!
When he woke up he was refreshed and rested.
But before standing up he felt with his hand to make sure his caps were in the the right place.

All he felt was his own checked cap!

Then he looked up into the tree. 
And what do you think he saw?
On every branch sat a monkey.
On every monkey was a grey, brown or a blue, or a red cap.
The peddler looked at the monkeys.
The monkeys looked at the peddler.
He did not know what to do. 
Finally he spoke to them.
You monkeys, you, he said, shaking a finger at them. 
You give me back my caps.
But the monkeys only shook their hands 
back at him and said...
This made the peddler so angry, He stamped his foot and he said, 
"You monkeys, you!
You better give me back my caps!"

But the monkeys only stamped their feet back at him and said,
"Tsz, tsz, tsz."

At last he became so angry that he pulled off his own cap,
threw it on the ground, and began to walk away.

And all the grey caps, and all the brown caps, and all the blue caps, and all the red caps came flying down out of the tree.


So the peddler picked up his caps and put them back on his head.
 And slowly, slowly,
he walked back to town calling,
Caps! Caps for sale! 
Fifty cents a cap!
The End.

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