Wednesday, May 14, 2014

New York Hall of Science

Class K-109 just loved the Hall of Science Playground!
There is soooo much to do here!
What a wonderful learning experience.

 The outdoor area is amazing! A must see :) 
 They also have a very unique playground that has a bunch of cool water exhibits and a spider-web. 

 ...with lots of hands-on activities!

This place is awesome!! 

 Kids in the Sandbox!!!

Kids definitely enjoy their experience here, and they learn a lot with out even realizing it.

Water Works!
  Can you guess who's hiding below?

 Very interesting.

 Just amazing!
Go There. Now. Run. Don't Walk.

 I really, really love this place!!!

 Mmmm this is delicious!

Girls just wanna have fun!

Back on the bus now!

What is the best way to teach kids about science? 

The New York Hall of Science is one of the best science museums which allow 
kids to experience all the experiments through touch and feel.

Overall we had a good time at the Hall of Science!!!
Fun for everyone!

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