Thursday, May 1, 2014

☂ ☀ Park Slope Armory YMCA ~ April 29th ☂ ☀

♪♫ It's fun to play at the Y.M.C.A. ♪♫
We are so excited to be going to the Armory today!

 We are here!!!


Mrs. Ussery is teaching us how to throw the ball to our partner! 

 This is so much fun!

Go... Go... GO!!!
We did a complete lap around the track!!!
Ball Toss!!!

 This place is HUGE!!!

 In the month of April we made a graph 
of which JELLY BEAN is our favorite!
It's your Birthday today...
A Happy Birthday to you!!!


361 15th Street 
 Brooklyn, New York, NY 11215
(212) 912-2580

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